Home of South African Skateboarding


We are a community of skateboarders who has a passion for skateboarding! We aim to promote South African skateboarding to an international level through online media Platforms (Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc) allowing our youth to showcase their talent around the world. Follow us on our social media platforms, for exciting events and amazing skateboarding, thank you all for your help and support! 

2017-2021 Agenda:

- Create a Local and internationally recognized brand for skateboarding and skaters alike.

- Constantly host skateboarding events ensuring that there is always growth in the sport regularly.

- Be a support structure for young and upcoming skateboarders.

- Generate funds for contests through Skate Vision branded clothing sales.

- Build an indoor skatepark that will serve as the Home of Skate Vision.

Durban Beach Skate Contest

4th and 5th of May 2018

Skate Vision brings you Durban Beach Skate Contest, running from the 4th of May to the 5th of May. This epic two-day contest will be jam-packed with skating action with talent from all around Durban and surrounding areas. Come and support your local skateboarders as they battle it out for the top spot!

The top 7 skaters in the Open Qualifiers Day 1 will qualify into the final heats on Day 2.


Full Field of Skaters 4 Heats of 5-6 Skaters Section 1: RUN - Two 45-second runs per skater

Section 2: BEST TRICK - Five trick attempts per skater The top four overall scores- Run and Best Trick - count The Top 8 highest scoring skaters advance to the Final


8 Skaters 1 Heat of 8 Skaters

Section 1: RUN - Two 45-second runs per skater Section 2: BEST TRICK - Five trick attempts per skater The top four overall scores- Run and Best Trick - count The The highest scoring skater wins.

The winner will get R500 Cash Money and tons of cool gear, there's something for everyone who enters there name on the roster for this contest. DM us your name and age to enter or comment on this post! We are also available through email/WhatsApp. If you would like to get involved or would like to find out more please send us a mail. Good Luck guys! Practice makes Dollars! So you know what to do, get on your board and skate!

Contest History

  1. Skate Contest Weekend 16 September 2017

  2. Skate Vision Board Design 21 September 2017

  3. Skate Vision Street Skills Contest 04 November 2017

  4. Skate Vision Skate Trials 11 November 2017

  5. Skate Vision's Five on Flat 13 - 21 January 2018 Instagram Contest

6.    Skate Vision's Durban Beach 04 - 05 May               2018 Game of Skate Contest

7.    Minority Skate and Skate Vision's 07 July 2018        Ro-Sham-Bo Game of Skate

Skate Contest Weekend 

The first Skate contest Skate Vision held. We had 33 skaters to compete in a game of skate in their division (beginner, intermediate or advanced). Chris Nderitu donated a skateboard and other prizes for the winner.
The Skate Store owner at Durban Beach Park also expressed his support by donating another skateboard. 
On the morning of the contest, unknowing, we had asked the owners of Slappy Skate Co and Campus Skatepark to enter completely unaware of who they were. They politely declined, however, took an interest in the event. With their help we here able to give away 3 more skateboards and lots of other goodies. 
The day was an amazing success and Skate Vision realized what could be. 

Street Skills Contest 

This contest allowed skaters to skate their favorite obstacles and show the crowd their best tricks. 

Skate Vision Skate Trails 

The skate trials aimed at looking for local talent to sponsor under the Skate Vision Brand. The selected skaters receive Skate Vision gear and are exposed on social media as brand ambassadors.

Five on Flat Social Media Contest

This was the first interactive skate contest held on social media where skaters could showcase their five best tricks regardless of where they were from. The entries were posted on social media and viewers were able to vote for their favorite skater. Despite this being new we got a great response from the online community. 

Skate Vision's Durban Beach Skate Contest 

After the support, we gained on social media and from sponsors, we were able to host a, never been done in Durban, two-day skate contest. This epic contest was jam-packed with skateboarding action and talent from all around Durban, surrounding areas, and even a few international participants. Day one was prelim heats in which 8 out of 45 skaters qualified for the final on day two.

Sponsors and prizes

* Skate vision - R500 cash prize                                                                                                              * Zoo York - podium hampers and giveaways                                                                                           * Ethekwini Skate Supply -skateboards, podium prizes, and giveaways

Minority Skate and Skate Vision's Ro-Sham-Bo Game of Skate 

Ro-Sham-Bo was a contest dedicated to the announcement of a future contest collaboration between Minority Skate and Skate Vision. The notion was well received by the community.

The contest was a collaboration of a few skate organizations from all around South Africa.

Our skater's ages ranged from 5 years old all the way to 30+. They competed in divisions based on how long they have been skating. This contest drew much attention and gained us a lot of support from individuals, companies, parents, and skaters.

Skate Companies involved:

Christian Skaters - International

20sk8 - Cape Town

GSk8 - South Africa

Minority Skate Co. - PMB KZN

Eduskieght - Cape Town

Skate Vision - Durban

Bradley Leo Bourne / Owner and Founder / All rights reserved
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